Highest level is 99, I believe highest tier is 20 and highest rank is 15 (don’t quote me on that rank one though)
It’s a tougher drop to get, hit swamp titans every chance you get
Kill 3 monsters there 600 that takes what a minute let’s also not forget that chests drop a couple, adventures drop them, and they give free...
This game already significantly favors the defender, you guys want to have short lasting bonus remain in play, say I have 40 ally slots open and...
If you’re looking at 50 days upgrades you should prolly focus more on say maxed out studies they do significantly decrease research times and such...
This came up because you have an entire realm that will zero somebody if they break the tie. It’s a flaw in the game that wasn’t addressed because...
And it was never intended that 60+ people take first place in an event...
Then the 4th person should’ve been faster
The problem is certain realms are doing that and if you break the tie the entire realm will zero you
Here’s what will happen, the large players will absorb the market and take all the desired resources leaving the small guy in the dust and create...
Eventually they’ll come to a realm where that don’t fly and ties aren’t a thing outside of resource gathering
Nobody transfers to realm 10 lol they’re all scared to come
If you think that lol it can easily save you a couple gathering trips when you’re empty
To help with your recruiting efforts you should put more detail into the post. For instance, Minimum might The realm you’re in Requirements...
The production cap is when you have that amount or more it does not produce any more of that resource
It’s been in works for an extremely long time lol
Account Hibernation: players will be removed from the realm (until they log back in) if they are, inactive for 2 consecutive days and their TH is...
You’re supposed to plan ahead for it, stockpile speedup ect
Realm 10 (formerly realm 1) Donno- 5,133,430,398 might
T1 go to the hospital once full everything else dies
No no no no no no no no no and no.
Only thing I have an issue with is the fact that means now we’re going to get even more notifications
Elaborate please. I’ve no clue what you’re asking here.
Ok so say 32 people hit a level 1 Titan and it drops 500 jewels on kill and they’re dispersed to each player, that’s 15.6 jewels total. Titans...
I don’t understand exactly what you’re look for? Hives to be impenetrable?