So you want the kill jewels dispersed to everyone that hit it? Other than that their is no difference in a regular hit and the kill besides a chest
Locked researches are greyed out. I personally think it’s a good thing that they stay lit and say “MAX” when completed
Be patient the support center is extremely busy
And y’all proposed ideas would just devastate the game for a multitude of different things like I’m getting attacked let me cap out on cheap...
Varies depending on the players might and if they have spent any real money on the game.
I give up. You’re denser than a lead wall. I’m tired of repeating myself.
Donno can’t beat everybody’s defense. That’s what I’m saying there are things you can do to increase it exponentially
Go to your clan page (where the diplomacy board is) and you should have 2 buttons on the right hand side “diplomacy board and settings” tap...
You have shields, teleports and an ability to receive reinforcements from you clan members. I’ll say it again(prolly didn’t say it in this post)...
You want to know why pvp isn’t as incentivized as you want it? Because realm wide zeroing and mass quitting of players. It was so bad the devs...
I beta tested I’ve seen a lot of changes for instance a hospital cap actually working instead of instant troop kills and a complete zeroing. I’m...
Your town hall nor your might dictate your strength.
Can I just ask what is the main idea behind y’all wanting to destroy pvp entirely?
Tell them to transfer to realm 10 and play with donno, he has 15m troops to kill
You have a daily clan quest that can give an indication to activity, most players don’t want people (including clanmates) to know when they’re online
Building and upgrading barracks improve troop training speeds along with research under the army strength tree
Pvp is so dismal because of extensive testing and changes through the beta and soft launch, after the very first merge when realm 2 was merged...
Here’s the thing about titans, it’s not the troves or the kill gems it’s the experience, rss, and relics that come from hitting the titans the...
That’s why we have barracks to upgrade and build
Future reference make posts easily readable for everyone bright colors on a bright background aren’t exactly compatible
It would successfully ruin the entire pvp capability of the game...
Can never have too many rss tokens 😂
It’s actually been suggested and they are looking into revamping the message system in game. Idk if it has been posted in the forums (I’m sure it...
Every single time? Only one specific tab? Have you updated to most recent update? Cleared tree? Cleared cashe?(tree and cashe are at the very...
Ok so the weak go into the hospital first as it is set currently