They're only doing this because most veteran players in other realms quit so they're tryin to get this sense of "competition" to squeeze out more...
Welp, time to boycott the game again when tyranny gets chosen.
Lord's Mobile is essentially another kingdom builder, but with Chinese dominated realms. Since everyone over in China has cheaper p2w packages....
We complained about this a month or two ago. The majority of the player base didn't want it. The majority of the player base can't DO anything...
Come on ATA, if you won't balance the game, at least add this. You don't lose anything from it. Players don't lose anything out of it. Everyone...
I I don't think so since the bracket from the very top 25, goes from 23 to 25 and 19 to 22 and from down on its 16 to 18 13 to 15 10 to 12 and so...
I don't understand why I can hit titans at TH 18, but can't collect gem nodes until TH 19. What's the point? All ATA's doing is forcing us to get...
Congratulations. Not only have you provided 0 feedback in relation to this thread, but you have managed to defend a pointless event that has no...
Woooooow. Talk about reaching.
Well, as for constructive feedback: Whoever owns the stronghold gets to mooch off of the entire realm for 10% of all of their collected resources...
The main thing about this is that people can argue that F2P players can indeed rival P2W players... by maxing all upgrades and buildings in a year...
Hey guys, DeliSubs here. I've been playing the game since January as a F2P only player in Realm 10. I'm hovering around TH 15 with ~150m might...
To be fair that wouldn't really matter. People who play this game long enough have a decent amount of patience. 1 hr, 3 hrs, 8 hrs? It's not very...
Sending gems and items would be a major deterrent because people would be able to farm alt accs.
So. Much. Brew.
Battleships? Are we trying to turn this into Ark of War now, lol.
Well in the first place... People pay to beat the f2p players with ease.
So as someone who doesn't even match a tenth or even a hundreth of any of the top 10 player's mights in Realm 10, I can say with sure certainty...
This screams of "easy exploitation", lol...
Perhaps more severe punishments, like not being able to heal troops when over capacity. Though that has flaws of its own as well...
That sounds like a silly mechanic in all honesty... Not only would that be easily exploitable by spies, but it would be also an annoyance to get...
Looking at these abandoned lvl 1-15 castles is a complete eyesore. You can't raid them for anything, besides maybe some troop remnants during PvP...
Now, this will annoy the heck out of everyone who has stockpiled god-knows-how-many troops in their bases, but I'd like to propose a "Troop...
I'm getting tired of allies being bought away the very next second I buy them, as it becomes a ping-pong battle between me, and 10 other people...
We realllly need a patch for PvP.