If you haven't built a farm already, you'll need to build one to upgrade it to level 6. You may need to make space in your land for more buildings...
Are you gathering from the correct level boneyard? There's a level requirement based on your townhall. You may want to check the event description...
why should you be able to take an ally from someone else and have the ability to keep it for a time when you bought it from someone yourself? You...
Plus...you are buying that ally from someone most likely...so they also have a right to buy them back if they want to. You are not the only person...
Go to the in game help and tell support that you lost access to your old account and they will ask you some questions and help you get your...
WOAH!!! When did they put level 50 players in the game??? They must be HUUUGGGEEEE! Ok, seriously, they only go up to TH25, so I don't see how...
I do...It's not that long, and I like to make sure that if I spend my time or money on a game, that I'll be able to continue playing it to the...
Yep, it's way more useful to have the dragon equip the relic than to just save it. All those missed bonuses, lol
Haha, thanks!!! I'm glad I was able to help.
When you buy an ally, look at the stats of the ally. You'll see a percentage for badlands/swamp/grasslands Also, the allies give you a boost in...
Technically, his reinforcements will be tied to his clanmates hospital caps, so even if you attack those reinforcements, you're not filling his...
Glad I was able to help. :)
That's just a receipt. It is something that you throw away, lol. No, but really, it's just so the system can tell that you got the chest already....
Awesome, I look forward to this!!!
and to add to that...you should recall your troops, heal them and send them back to defend. Your troops are still tied to your hospital cap, so if...
The market is only full of trash because players keep buying trash allies. It wouldn't be full of trash if players didn't actually BUY those...
you can use the tokens. cash them out and share with your clan mates if you feel you have too many.
then time your hits better. If they are under hospital cap, then why should you be able to kill their troops (besides as a rally or if she has...
The loading time for that sucks though.
While higher level relics are harder to get, you can form bigger ones by combining lower level ones, so if you don't have a relic for your dragon,...
You may want to check out some guides in the Help & Guides section. The only thing is that how you decide to build is totally going to be up to you.
I'm guessing they're testing to work out kinks. They moved us to the new map, so who knows when they'll finish. I guess we'll just wait for...
There are players who attack because they can and it's something you'll have to deal with. We have had plenty of players who hit just to see some...
it may be back up now partially