Yeah i like this too random ports would be nice to have.
Oh i see nice
As much as i like the regular FFA, i think it would be fun if once a month or whatever there is a realm vs realm event. Of course im only talking...
Just make a feeder clan that solves your issue
I just got to th9 and found that I got a new hourly, idol investment now I know it works by brackets and how many ths there are in my bracket. But...
Im pretty sure it's just TH and with regards to range it's only 1min 30sec away
I'm glad they added this, just wish range was a bit bigger half the time I search my level node I find nothing. But nevertheless glad it's in.
I've not seen anything different with rallies and single marches so I don't think there is one but would be cool to have a distinguishable rally...
I don't think people will even care for this feature as much as I would but a coord for realms so for example 120 334 691. I hope I'm not only one...
Random teleport to anywhere on map except lava. Would really love this.
Yes this would be a good one almost like a bookmark feature aswell
Would like to be able to save battle reports. I've always wanted to save that win I had against a level 2 goblin is what I think but can't :( No...
For future ref this was the start of the p2p events.
Might breakdown stat. Just a quality of life thing really. Would be nice to know what part of my might is troops, research etc.
Would love to have the amount of gold needed shown on research while researching something. Would be such a help when saving gold for next research.
Hey can anyone tell me the most optimal way for a f2p player to maximise there jewel earnings. What events should i focus on? The chests that have...
Just a currency that you get for sending helps to spend in maybe a clan store? Every level you go up in the already in-game clan level you unlock...
Just a tool where you can search for any level node or monster closest to you so you don't have to spend time looking for one. Bit of a lazy one I...