I wonder if anyone has any good outcomes and positive experiences from using the help ticket feature of the game. In all the years I have played...
I accidently deleted the message.. Want to recover the text
Where can I go to report ally bots used to strip me I have a screen shot of them using bots to ally stripe me
Waddup 🅱️OIZ! I’m SchwarzeKrähe, leader of Dem 🅱️oiz [YUP] in realm 112, and we’re LOOKING FOR MEMBERS. This isn’t your normal clan however....
Please merge realm 98 and 99. I Know 99 just merge with 100, but 99 is about the same caliber and very active. It seems R98 is becoming a dead...
Ata please do something. There is a broken and exploited PvP system in this game that doesn’t reward nor punish massive domination of one clan vs...
Can we have the ability to auto send all of our available marches on mobs instead of going through the menus to send them individually?
I am the leader of a clan in R27. I recently received a message about needing an ambassador. I've replied with a few questions and still haven't...
I heard realms 86 and 27 are going to merge. Is that true?
For someone who was excited to raid and someone who just unlocked the raid option at TH9. I am concerned about the initial difficulty of the...
Hello, As many of you have noticed there has been a purge if inactives. That's fine. However, the refudn in allies that were removed is only 60%....
Ata i think u guys fail to recognize the seriousiness of the pvp flaw in ur app... This flaw has more people quit than anything else on this...
It unfair we just start to play this game but already got hit from 300M might player whole clan got scouted from big might player ATA please do...