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Announcement 🦍❤️ATA Loves Our Players!❤️🦍

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    You are all the reason we get out of the bed and love coming to work!💖

    The stories that we get to witness and sometimes be a part of are what makes our work so memorable and enjoyable.

    We heard from a number of you about your fondest Heckfire memories in our recent Facebook and Instagram Contests, and here are just a few of OUR favourites!

    ;) ATA Remembers! ;)



    We know there are SOOOOO many more stories that have been forgotten or we haven't heard yet and we want to see them!
    Let us know your fondest memory/funniest story by responding in this forum post, you can even include a screenshot, piece of artwork or whatever helps highlight the story!

    Heckfire Community Celebration


    Heckfire Couples

    Wine & Goat! They were each on their own journeys until a random day where Heckfire needed to beta test a new feature / balance test - I reached out all all the helpful players in the community and got both of them into the beta test. From there the love sparked and led to a beautiful marriage


    Jas and Joey! Both joined during the Heckfire beta - and their journey led to this adorable cutie!


    Amani & Fire! They have been long time friends and lovers, played and supported the communities in many ATA games. Decided to take the ultimate step to get married….just a couple weeks ago! I don’t have any pictures to share for them (yet), since they are both still very busy with the wedding and honeymoon. Congrats again to this newly wed couple!




    Jen & Wino & Onesy didn’t quite make the KoH couples but the love is just as strong!









    Ploki’s hand-made ruby


    The infamous Brad (from who else but…Queen_Cath)






    Random entries from past contests

    From Obby


    From Liara


    From CooKooToo


    While I don’t have the entry from the KoH memories contest - wanted to mention CooKooToo for winning that contest with an awesome poem!

    I know we may be missing lots of good memories and stories worth sharing. I apologize to those that deserve a mention in this post but I couldn’t dig up in my memory for this round of preparations. We plan for ATA day to become an annual tradition from here on out. So I plan to do much better job at collecting and organizing these wondering memories from the community
    #1 [ATA]Todd, Sep 19, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023

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