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Attack / kills ?

Discussion in 'Battle Tactics' started by White_Fang, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. White_Fang

    White_Fang New Citizen

    Aug 23, 2018
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    I am new on this game today. I have try to attack a player. I have 3500 soldiers vs 100 soldiers ennemis. I win but.... i lost 5 soldiers and him..... 0. 0 damage. Why ? I don’t understand ...

    Thx for your answers and sorry for my bad english.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Before you start to see kills in a city, you'll have to fill that person's hospital capacity. On top of that, there's a garrison capacity which has a minimum of 5,000 troops and can be upgraded through research.
    Until you injure enough troops to fill their hospital, you won't see kills.

    Node hits will get you them though (resource nodes, like gathering gold, food or ore or from gem nodes)

    Have the person you're attacking have at least more than their garrison cap, and also more than their hospital cap if you want to see kills.

    And an easy way to also get kills is if they have Realm Wrath (Battle Fury) or your clan does a successful rally on them.

    So basically, find a bigger target...and hit them enough to fill their hospital. Once all those hospital beds fill up, all the troops who would have been injured troops will now be dead troops.
    AlphaI3itch and BabyYodaOG like this.
  3. White_Fang

    White_Fang New Citizen

    Aug 23, 2018
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    Thank you very much !
    BabyYodaOG likes this.

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