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How do Metas work? A guide for new players!

Discussion in 'Guides - FaQs' started by [ATA]Todd, Dec 7, 2021.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    How do metas work?

    New to Heckfire? Hearing a lot about “metas” and want to know how they work? Well it’s your lucky day, because we’ve got a fancy guide to help you learn about Metas and get you a headstart.

    What is a meta event?
    Meta events are special, time limited quests that run for several weeks. They work in a similar way to shorter quests but contain far more star rewards and feature big leaderboard prizes. They will require effort and dedication to complete, with lots of prizes and prestige to be earned along the way!

    Important: In order to participate in Meta event quests, your Townhall must be at least level 7. If you are below Towhhall level 7, these quests will only appear once you have completed the necessary building upgrade.

    How do I score in these events?

    Scoring in Meta events is based on accumulating event tokens, a special scoring token unique to each event. During a meta event, daily rotating quests (such as sepulcher mulcher, hardcore might growth, Fighting O’Preston) and your daily dragon quest (Axe knot and Re-Leaf, Hobblin’ Goblins and Skele-tons of Skele-fun) will all provide event tokens for each star reward level and for leaderboard placement. These tokens can also be obtained by opening special event chests in the shop with keys unique to each Meta event.

    I like chests! How do those work?


    Once you have accumulated at least 1 event token or 1 event key, event chests will begin to show up in the shop. Event chests contain not only precious Event tokens, but also additional goodies such as speedups, brew, resource tokens, relics and more! Event chests come three values with 5, 15, and 30 key versions available. Every day at reset, these chests rotate, changing their stock and offering different prizes. Make sure to check in every day, because not only can you open a 15 key chest for free, but the first chest of each type you open (with keys, of course) will contain DOUBLE event tokens. You can purchase as many boxes as you have keys for, but only the first chest will contain the doubled tokens.

    What are the rewards?

    The rewards for each Meta event vary, but there’s plenty of them! Each star level achieved will come with all kinds of goods ranging from resource tokens, speedups and brew to stamps used to purchase high level content or improve your Dragons. For those with the tenacity and grit, the leaderboards offer even more reward potential with payouts including huge numbers of resource tokens, more high end dragon stamps than you can shake a stick at, and even exclusive avatars! For those looking to earn even more rewards, there is also our premium Invite, which offers a second reward track for doing what you’re already doing!

    Premium Invite? What’s that?


    The premium Invite is a battle pass style second reward track. By purchasing the Invite IAP in our shop, you gain access to a whole second quest overflowing with keys, resources, brew, jewels, additional event points and even special avatars! For those who want to get the most from a meta event, nothing beats a premium invite. Invite quests score the same way as the standard Meta quest, with both scoring from the same accumulated meta event tokens. The invite can be purchased throughout the event, and any progress will be retroactively applied, allowing you to immediately claim all the rewards you have earned. Don’t wait too long though, as once the offer has left the shop, it’s gone for good!

    We hope this guide has given you some insight into how our meta events work and helped you get up to speed on how to compete for glory in this one and many more! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our in-game help system.

    Good luck with the meta, and happy slaying!
    -The Heckfire Team
    #1 [ATA]Todd, Dec 7, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021

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