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I just saw how a player attacked another one 50 times in a row

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magno, May 30, 2019.


Should there be a free shield in case players where attacked multiple times while offline?

  1. Yes , so players are protected in case of ppl looking to exploit a possible dragon xp farm

  2. No , becouse they should be online at all times and be able to always have a shield

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  1. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Love you Maksuhmuhm.

    Somebody @ Ras_Al_Fool for me. I was trying to explain this to him a year ago.

    The way the game works now, it’s virtually impossible to avoid being zeroed at least a time or two before you start maxing out and reach that sweet sweet point where you have nothing to do but funnel your resources/speed-ups into training troops and buying allies. Oh, and picking on those smaller than you, which by this point will be almost everyone.

    But for a very long time, the game is almost entirely PvE! And as you noted, the PvP is actually near exclusively PvOP. Player vs offline player! Isn’t that fun!?

    (Pssst! This means that focusing on PvE (staying out of the PvP realm entirely) until you near end-game research/building levels is by far the fastest way to get to that end-game! PvP only sets you back and that’s the whole point! PvP is a distraction to slow you down from a process that will already take you about 1.5-2 years to complete! Meanwhile, ATA gets to offer you a vast majority of tempting options to speed up your progress by giving them some of your hard earned dough! Now obviously, the less time you spend in this “temptation phase”, the better! However, thankfully for ATA, Players/Clans antagonize and frustrate one other, fueling the PvP and time that it takes everyone to finish all of their upgrades! I’ve got a whole Multiguide for Heckfire written up about this!)
    #21 ProfessorDaddy, Jul 9, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
    DianaD and Acemanbc like this.
  2. Just_A_Ghost

    Just_A_Ghost Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    You do have a point. Wait for it.....
    It's a game of war!
    Before you go to war?
    1; do you knock on your enemy's door and say ' I'm going to kick your butt?
    2; when you're hunting prey, do you , wave and shout, ' I'm here to kill and eat you '?
    If you answered "yes" to any or both, please play candy crush.
    SO, to reiterate, it's a game of WAR .
    NOW spend the rest of the day working that out. 😂😂
    Chinthe likes this.
  3. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    1. Lol yeah talking crap beforehand is often what leads to “war”. (I assume you mean fighting someone since nobody is waging actual war here.)

    2. I’m not hunting any prey lol. But if I was, I imagine that if I shouted that at it before hand it wouldn’t understand me. (Unless my “prey” is human? In which case just a creepy way to say things...)

    “It’s a war game.”

    Nice one. That’s the argument Ras_Al_Fool used.

    Call it what you want, but the fact remains that this game is centrally based around PvE, with elements of PvP sprinkled in to set you back as you go through the real bulk of the game: upgrading your buildings/research.

    The gameplay doesn’t really change that much as you progress. You do the same things over and over, but continually upgrade. And upgrading is fueled by PvE not PvP.

    The PvP elements of the game don’t involve strategy, they involve statistics. Numbers and percentages, with all the advantage coming from *ahem*, your upgrades.

    So the quickest, smartest way to play the game is to upgrade the PvE side first. Maximizing the part of the game that fuels your upgrades.
  4. Just_A_Ghost

    Just_A_Ghost Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Daddy, daddy, daddy.
    You have correctly outlined what is involved in the game and a basic strategy to get big and strong.
    What is your point?
  5. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    The way I see it, this is not a PVP game. ATA and various other players may claim it is, but how is this game PVP when the largest aspect of "PVP" is swarming a player who is offline? Where is the "PVP" in that? :/

    As others have said, this game needs a complete overhaul of the "PVP" system. The shrines are a good start but everything outside of that is mindlessly sending troops at anyone you find offline with troops home. That is why more players enjoy the PVE aspect of the game then the PVP aspect.

    I know I would enjoy PVP a lot more if it involved any kind of skill compared to how PVP is designed atm.
    Just_A_Ghost likes this.
  6. Chinthe

    Chinthe Citizen

    Oct 4, 2017
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    There's actually a valid point here.
    There's nothing to gain from attacking others, unless they are OC.
    Yes, you can get a good position on TKLB, but does anyone care about that?

    I would like to see at least some XP gain on dragons involved in PvP as well.
    Also I'd like to rank in what order my troops should loot the different rss. It's useless getting 1/3 of each rss if you hit for gold.
    Just_A_Ghost likes this.
  7. Bacon

    Bacon New Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    LOL dragon xp exploit 😂
    Chinthe, dlz9345X and Tiashue like this.
  8. Raiden321

    Raiden321 New Citizen

    Jan 14, 2020
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    You must not work at a place that doesnt allow you to have your phone during work hours. It only takes 20 minutes to get hit that many times. Only Ď-bag bullies hit someone that many times and I certainly hope its NOT part of the game.
  9. _kashmir_

    _kashmir_ New Citizen

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Well there should be a system more like KaW where a whale cant destroy a whole clan of guppies , let whales fight whales , this isnt a war game it's a slaughter house game. KaW had a hit range of 4x , so someone with say 4m strenght couldn't hit below 1m strenght. I wouldn't use the same 4x might rule here but something similar could work. All I seen since beta is some dude drops 1000s $ than zeroes f2p players who quit , I suppose ata could careless if every f2p player quits long as the whales keep spending lol
  10. DianaD

    DianaD New Citizen

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I LOVE your Multiguide! Since finding it, I dont get frustrated over being zeroed because I dont use speedups on troop training (Im only TH15) Started following the guide at TH12.
    Now Im Clan Leadet and helping everyone to follow.

    I want the Shrines dang it! And awesome Dragons!
  11. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    That... That was my point....

    Thank you again! The multi-guide’s goal was always to help players see the true nature of the game. Hard to excel at anything you don’t fully grasp! You can’t rush these big jobs; best of luck to you!
    DianaD likes this.
  12. Yosh05

    Yosh05 New Citizen

    Jul 24, 2021
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    In one game I play once you get hit so many times you get randomly ported away and a resources pack is sent to help you recover think that would be a good idea. Once you’ve been hit say 10 times random port it may make players decide to keep playing
  13. Dissenter

    Dissenter New Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Bull Sh*t….there’s absolutely no reason a person who’s hundreds of times bigger than another person should be able to destroy months of building. Give me a break.
  14. _Roo_Ratt_

    _Roo_Ratt_ New Citizen

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Just got attacked by a Megalodon ( One Billion Plus Power ) - I am a minnow here
    ( one million plus power ) - got wiped out -
    I agree with Dissenter in the fact that all of these type of games allow this - Unhappy
    CobraKarl likes this.
  15. _Roo_Ratt_

    _Roo_Ratt_ New Citizen

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Ok - just saw a multi-guide post - please let me know where to find it - ty in advance
    Would be nice to know how to properly play this game!!!
    Warble likes this.
  16. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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  17. Splyt_

    Splyt_ Citizen

    Oct 19, 2020
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    Some people are saying pvp should be turned into strategy over just stats. It will probably help a bit but the whales will still be on top. If you've played Lords Mobile you will know it has waaay more strategy than this one. But yet the whales dominate like they do in all games. Changing it to strategy pvp or keeping it the same wont change the dynamics of the game the whales will still eat the minnows and even the kois. The transactions is whats screwing the minnows and koi over. Although I understand it needs to be there. As for big guys zeroing small guys there's already things in place to stop that. Resource protection and garrison although I think garrison should be increased.
    #37 Splyt_, Oct 17, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021

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