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Android Ideas missing

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Linds2019, Jun 10, 2023.

  1. Linds2019

    Linds2019 New Citizen

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Dear Kingdoms Of Heckfire,

    Hello iam a game user Linds_2019 I Went to go purchase a Papapalooza train box I went to go purchase a box with my ninety three keys that I had The 1st box I purchase went all the way through and I collected my items. I went to go do it for a second time. I was stuck on a loading screen and I did not collect my items or did not open the Box. I wnt to try it for a third time it did the same thing I tried to do it again and then it said that I only had only 3 keys left. Where the key go. Can I just get the ideas that come from those boxes for the how many times I purchases those boxes

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