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<p>[QUOTE="Hermione, post: 4702, member: 1991476255"]I was one of the first players on here, haha. Been here since day 1 of beta and day 1 of soft launch. I am not p2w, so I can't compete in this event. The tyranny tax sucked for me too. I did pay a little back in beta and the first week of the game, so I can't call myself f2p, but I did not spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game as others have. To be the top player, you'll have to outspend Donno...My pockets aren't that deep. I'm not made of money. </p><p>I knew going in that this event wouldn't be for me. I knew back in beta that this event wouldn't be for me. When they introduced the Tyranny tax was a total slap in the face. I had to spend my time in the game to be taxed and it would go to the players who spent the most in the game. Ok, 10% didn't break wasn't the difference between me getting something done and me not getting something done...but the fact that I had to give anything up to someone by force since they won an event that was only for the top spenders was quite upsetting for me no matter how you put it. I hope they have better prizes, and I hope those prizes don't have any way of affecting those who don't participate other than putting the top players further ahead. I want to play my game and let them play theirs, but don't let them interfere with my game-play. I'm sure those are the sentiments of ButterBean. I can't blame him for being upset at having his RSS being taken from him and given over to those who spent the most in his realm. It rubbed us all the wrong way. I'm Ok with winners winning something...but for people who lose/don't even compete in the event...they shouldn't be forced to lose something...that just plain sucked and I'm glad they removed it and hope they don't put it back. </p><p>The shrines need to be more attractive to bigger players. The prizes are not great. Give Avatars, give something worth fighting for, but just don't take away from the players who "lose". That's the crappiest way to lose an event...</p><p><br /></p><p>yeah...I'm not in the feedback section...and I don't feel like putting this there now that I typed it, lol especially since all the relevant posts are oh well. It stays here. </p><p><br /></p><p>I'm not mad, I'm just showing why I can totally agree with ButterBean and giving my opinion on the subject. I haven't even looked at shrines since the first time they launched in the real game.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Hermione, post: 4702, member: 1991476255"]I was one of the first players on here, haha. Been here since day 1 of beta and day 1 of soft launch. I am not p2w, so I can't compete in this event. The tyranny tax sucked for me too. I did pay a little back in beta and the first week of the game, so I can't call myself f2p, but I did not spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game as others have. To be the top player, you'll have to outspend Donno...My pockets aren't that deep. I'm not made of money. I knew going in that this event wouldn't be for me. I knew back in beta that this event wouldn't be for me. When they introduced the Tyranny tax was a total slap in the face. I had to spend my time in the game to be taxed and it would go to the players who spent the most in the game. Ok, 10% didn't break wasn't the difference between me getting something done and me not getting something done...but the fact that I had to give anything up to someone by force since they won an event that was only for the top spenders was quite upsetting for me no matter how you put it. I hope they have better prizes, and I hope those prizes don't have any way of affecting those who don't participate other than putting the top players further ahead. I want to play my game and let them play theirs, but don't let them interfere with my game-play. I'm sure those are the sentiments of ButterBean. I can't blame him for being upset at having his RSS being taken from him and given over to those who spent the most in his realm. It rubbed us all the wrong way. I'm Ok with winners winning something...but for people who lose/don't even compete in the event...they shouldn't be forced to lose something...that just plain sucked and I'm glad they removed it and hope they don't put it back. The shrines need to be more attractive to bigger players. The prizes are not great. Give Avatars, give something worth fighting for, but just don't take away from the players who "lose". That's the crappiest way to lose an event... yeah...I'm not in the feedback section...and I don't feel like putting this there now that I typed it, lol especially since all the relevant posts are oh well. It stays here. I'm not mad, I'm just showing why I can totally agree with ButterBean and giving my opinion on the subject. I haven't even looked at shrines since the first time they launched in the real game.[/QUOTE]
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Kingdoms of Heckfire Forums
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Shrines Activate May 7th!
Kingdoms of Heckfire Forums
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Shrines Activate May 7th!