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Poll Results: Is this game very fair to new player ?
Members who voted for 'No'
- Warbat
- Biebie
- Marnow
- PearlyGates
- Williamsj29
- burns_it_all
- ChiliPepper
- TheBlackPharaoh
- CheChe
- Stingy
- Pots101
- heckfire093842
- Jamyn
- Glockglock
- Umeboshi
- Grave82muchPI
- Kastchei
- Crycos
- Blitz3
- Tutankhamun
- Bacon57
- LilJma
- Eva_Endive36
- jj_lethal
- TheGryffindor
- SyzyGG
- BlanchePapaya
- Auraah
- LadyThief
- Ging4Life
- MiniMeMilo
- Sinister_Hyde
- NikiB
- Hops5
- Healingbolt
- Cyclone
- x3ix
- Steerpike
- TickleMyNuts
- MyBullstuff
- Anthronkachonk
- Exceptthisnameor
- Overrun1
- Scorch614
- DrunkBeans
- Nezha
- BadBrandon
- Windyfishface
- Highkey
- ShaggyBlue
- VicXmas
- page
- TheTickler
- DinosaurTag
- Mr_Duck
- StarBasher
- MO75
- Anonymousss
- TurboSnail16
- xXx_BENDER_xXx
- Arathon
- friendlyspider
- IceCaveBear
- ButterBean
- GeorgiaPeach
- O__O
- FeatherHead
- Quicklime
- KingOfChaos
- nakam
- ChatonCiel
- LemonGin
- Noir
- Leech
- Jubaited
- EzioAuditore
- HariboLovesYou
- SaBerA
- PettyAFRae
- KingPrincess
- PeacefulFarmer
- Yingbot
- Kororia
- Mutsu
- Ormfang
- Cows
- Julkaramell
- BassicBass
- AssMunchr
- Moogs
- Vazerus
- lmaoNOPEE_Q_Q
- TK_1
- Romonepio
- Vaupell
- 30Ninjas
- RandomDecember
- DiamondCanary
- S_O_N_A_H_T
- DVetZer0
- DrxDeath
- Ender_Wiggin
- ThrottleGirl
- KingofRaids
- WildTomato
- Jbaker7
- Rafdaepic
- Stickninja
- Zerft
- JB0077
- Groot
- SilentBane
- MyMoo32
- CyNikal
- blackg0at
- OneD
- I_Boop_Your_Nose
- StandingBear
- navkat
- RagingSerpentine
- Crazy
- ZReaper
- Dione
- LadyIsntYourBiz
- Hekkan
- audiomodder
- GrizziMax
- EmpressPopcorn
- Skyfoxglitter
- Valara
- Nut5
- Player4645768
- Mcfly312
- Kaylinn
- Spock
- Rav3nouS
- _Sno_
- Nolpo90
- Ares_of_XXVII
- TitanMama
- CptHawkeye
- Deeq
- PanzerGrom
- Kolaps3
- Dumbanddumber
- NotCrake
- _NightAngel_
- Tillbakakaka
- MordoKai
- Kaea
- Bulldoglord
- SweetDreams
- Dzorgo
- Ripper069
- TheBlizzard
- Rachim4
- Shanvhere
- TetraZelda
- DeliSubs
- Chxptxr
- Sirlord
- lIlIlChompylIlIl
- Chocorroll17
- GreenEcho4Legend
- Otez
- DaddyHeda
- ASlash10
- Nicful
- Fade
- InfernoFusion
- Carolinagirl
180 total votes.