🧌 How The Goblin Stole Heckmas (Meta) and Tinkering With Toys (Premium) 🧌 Dec 5th - Dec 17th SOMEONE STOLE THE CHRISTMAS HAM! The entire realm has been denied their salty, meaty holiday morsels! Grab your sleigh and lead the search! Can you find the ham before the holiday season ends? In addition to our main event, check out Tinkering With Toys our special optional premium quest by purchasing a Premium Invite from the store. This premium event provides additional rewards for the Meta Tokens you collect and includes exclusive CHALLENGE REWARDS! Prove yourself as the greatest office based adventurer of all time! Raid Racer: Realm 10 - 122 = Hydra Realm 133 = Mermolga Realm 151 - 152 = Demons Shrines Realms 10 - 152 Premium, Journey, and Meta Avatars! Kingdoms of Heckfire Web Store - REWARD POINTS 🛍USE THE WEBSTORE --> GET FREE !🎁 Check out the Reward Points System that lets you earn rewards on every purchase! Only available on the Kingdoms of Heckfire Web Store FAQ: Don't forget to check out our DRAGON BOOTY feature HERE while participating in this meta as well as... ...the new Story Updates! There are a few changes to how you can enjoy the narrative. Check 'em out HERE Oh! And if you haven't yet, take a peek at the Ability Names Update HERE Did we mention there's another giant sized feature called Realm Maturity HERE and 5 Star Raids HERE? 👀 New to Heckfire? Want to know more about Meta events? Click HERE for a guide to meta events! If you're going to go head to head with your enemies, better know which of your dragons rival theirs! Check HERE for information on Dragon rivalries! Go for the gold for your chance to earn these exclusive rewards!